Th T D(3 / 6)
but then to see how ye&039;re negleckit,
how huff&039;d, an&039; cuff&039;d, an&039; disrespeckit!
lord an, our ntry care as little
for delvers, ditchers, an&039; sic cattle;
they gang as saucy by poor folk,
as i wad by a stk brock
i&039;ve notic&039;d, on our ird&039;s urt-day,—
an&039; ony a ti y heart&039;s been wae,—
poor tenant bodies, scant o&039;cash,
how they aun thole a factor&039;s snash;
he&039;ll stap an&039; threaten, curse an&039; swear
he&039;ll apprehend the, pod their ar;
while they aun stan&039;, wi&039; aspect huble,
an&039; hear it a&039;, an&039; fear an&039; treble!
i see how folk live that hae riches;
but surely poor-folk aun be wretches!
they&039;re no sae wretched&039;s ane wad thk
tho&039; nstantly on poortith&039;s brk,
they&039;re sae ato&039;d wi&039; the sight,
the view o&039;t gives the little fright
then chance and fortune are sae guided,
they&039;re aye less or air provided:
an&039; tho&039; fatigued wi&039; close eploynt,
a blk o&039; rest&039;s a sweet enjoynt
the dearest fort o&039; their lives,
their grhie weans an&039; faithfu&039; wives;
the prattlg thgs are jt their pride,
that sweetens a&039; their fire-side
an&039; whiles alpennie worth o&039; nappy
can ak the bodies un happy:
they y aside their private cares,
to d the kirk and state affairs;
they&039;ll talk o&039; patrona an&039; priests,
wi&039; kdlg fury i&039; their breasts,
or tell what new taxation&039;s ,
an&039; ferlie at the folk lon&039;on
as bleak-fac&039;d hallowass returns,
they t the jovial, rant kirns,
when rural life, of ev&039;ry station,
unite on recreation;
love blks, wit sps, an&039; cial irth
fets there&039;s care upo&039; the earth
that rry